How To Master Cylinder I-Tip Individual Hair Extensions: Master Class With Joanne Morrison

How To Install I-Tip (CYLINDER) INDIVIDUAL HAIR EXTENSIONS: With Joanne Morrison
Hair and Compounds continues its free hair education series with a “MASTER CLASS,” with Top Hair Extensionist and stylist Joanne Morrison. Joanne has been working in the hair extension industry for over twenty years and has incredible professional insights to share. We sat down with Joanne Morrison to tell us about her experiences in the hair extensions industry and why she has been a loyal client of Hair & Compounds for over ten years.
This master class includes FIVE FREE EPISODES of beneficial hair extension insights for every hair extension stylist, as well as an in depth pre-recorded LIVE installation.
What are cylinder i-tip individual beaded hair extensions?
Our cylinder individual i-tip hair extensions (also known as micro ring hair extensions) are made from a reusable i-tip that easily reforms for multiple uses. The lightweight hair attaches with soft copper links that will not add stress to scalp hair and can last for up to a year with proper care.
Episode 1:Insights every hair extensions stylist should know; A Conversation with Joanne Morrison.
Episode 1 Covers: The basics of hair extension installation.
1. The best way to choose the best hair extension suppliers.
2. Specific things to look for when shopping for hair extensions
3. The hair extensions that are best for different types of clients
4. Joanne's preferred hair extension method and why it is economically and environmentally better
5. The importance of texture and color choices when choosing hair extensions
6. Joanne’s hair extension client gives an honest review of H&C hair extensions and the quality.
7. The difference between cuticle and non cuticle hair-- why it matters
We sat down with professional extensionist and stylist Joanne Morrison. In her first video, Joanne offers 7 PRO hair extension tips! These tips include finding the best hair extensions for clients, as well as a genuinely in-depth, honest review of H&C hair extensions.
Hair and Compounds Presents - Episode 2: Shopping for hair extensions. In person Shopping of Hair & Compounds Collection with Joanne Morrison
Episode 2 Covers: Everything you need to know about shopping for hair.
1. Choosing the right i-tip hair extensions for your clients by the color, touch, quality and texture.
2. Why Joanne prefers Indian Remy hair extensions over all the other hair extensions available on the market
3. Color matching a client and what to look for when choosing length and color blending
4. The advantages of color blending with hair extensions, as opposed to adding chemical color to the clients natural hair
5. How to make hair extensions blend naturally and seamlessly with the clients natural hair
6. How to consult and prep the client for a hair extension install
7. How to price hair extensions and how to price the installation
8. The benefits of using H&C hair extensions pre-rooted and pre-blended hair extensions
Joanne takes us into the Hair and Compounds Los Angeles Hair Shop, to show us the quality and the possibilities that Hair & Compounds hair can provide. She also tells us what she looks for when purchasing hair extensions for her clients.
Many clients ask, "how much do hair extensions cost?" Cylinder I-tip extensions can be priced based upon many different circumstances. A great way to start, is by pricing the customization to each individual client. Joanne explains the importance of time, hours on feet, and more when calculating end cost of install and color.
Need more help pricing those hair extensions? Here is a step-by-step guide on how to price hair extensions.
Hair and Compounds Presents - Episode 3: Cylinder Extensions Setup with Joanne Morrison
Joanne shows us how a stylist should prepare to install cylinder i-tip hair extensions, filling us in on all of the tips and tricks she has learned throughout her career!
Episode 3 Covers: A step by step process of hair extension preparation before a clients appiontment.
1. Joanne gives tips on successful cylinder hair extension preparation and the tools needed for a seamless installation.
2. Breakdown of tools, importance of all tools and where to find those hair extension tools
3. Hair prep using a hair holder. The importance of laying out the hair colors side by side; visual color blending before the install--especially If adding more than one color.
4. Client preparation and what Joanne asks the client to do before their actual in person hair installation
5. How to Price “Hair Extension Preparation,” as a service. This includes, pre-coloring hair extensions before the clients appointment.
What exactly are cylinder hair extensions? Here is our complete H&C Cylinder hair extensions guide.
Hair and Compounds Presents - Episode 4: How to Install Cylinder i-tip individual Hair Extensions with Joanne Morrison
Episode 4 Covers: All of the components you need for a successful cylinder hair extension installation.
1. Reviewing the color mapping with the client, as discussed in consult
2. The importance of the shape of the clients head and how to map the hair extensions based on shape of head, hairline, hair texture, how the hair grows out of the head for optimal placement.
3. What to avoid in general, when adding cylinder hair extensions
4. How to section the clients hair with fine comb, based on shape of clients head, before hair installation
5. Which beads/ copper links to use based on hair color and clients hair color
6. What to avoid with hair extension placement
7. Where to begin and place the beads on each row. How much hair should be in each bead as well as the placement of beads from the hairline.
8. What to do when you make a mistake and how to adjust
9. How to discuss client expectations and realistic hair goals
10. How to price hair extension installation service based on hours, hair type, amount of hair and rows added.
11. The benefits of Cylinder I-tip individual hair extensions for clients and hair stylists
12. Important hair maintenance tips for cylinder I-tip hair extension clients; brushing, washing, conditioning, etc.
13.Products hair extension clients should use and what products to avoid for hair extension longevity.
14. How to test for strand mobility and client comfort when wearing Cylinder I-tip hair extensions
Joanne takes us through her process of installing cylinder hair extensions from Hair & Compounds. In this breakdown, she answers several common questions about how these specific types of extensions can be installed and the best ways to work through the installation process.
Hair and Compounds Presents - Episode 5: Blending and Styling with Joanne Morrison and final transformation CLIENT REVEAL.
Episode 5 Covers: Tips for successful blending and styling of hair extensions.
1. Have the client stand for a clear view of the row and color blend. Do this for every row as it will help with a seamless blend.
2. What to look for when blending and how to go in and adjust if need be
3. How to point cut and angle cut the extensions at the ends for a more natural look
4. How to add layers for more natural hair movement
5. How long H&C hair extensions should last if the client takes proper care and follows maintenance guidelines
6. Importance of Hair & Compounds sourcing process and why it matters for your clients
7. Advice for stylists who are thinking about learning how to do Cylinder I tip individual hair extensions and what sort of mentors to look for.
Joanne finishes her installation by showing us some blending and styling techniques to make Hair & Compounds cylinder extensions look and feel like any clients natural hair. Watch until the end to see Valentina's reaction to an incredible transformation!
We hope you enjoyed this free master class on mastering Cylinder hair extensions with professional extensionist Joanne Morrison. More information about our cylinder I-tip individual hair extensions, collection, and, pro-access can be found here and you can watch this video below.
Be sure to check out Joanne’s work:
Instagram: @jomohair
And, as always, be sure to follow us on Instagram for more free hair education from Hair & Compounds!